After you’ve closed the deal on your new home, there are several things you should do right away after purchasing a home. Most of the time, your real estate agent will advise you on a couple of tasks to complete after the paperwork is done.
If you weren’t informed about the first few steps you need to take, there’s no need to worry. Here are some of the first things that should be done after purchasing a home in Myrtle Beach.
Things To Do After Purchasing A Home
Always consult your real estate agent for information you don’t already know.
Change the locks – From a safety standpoint, changing the locks should be your first priority. You don’t really know who else might have a copy of the keys to your house. Unless you change the locks after the purchase, there’s a risk of unauthorized individuals entering your home. Make sure to quickly purchase new locks to ensure maximum safety. Most of the time, the Myrtle Beach real estate agent who handled the sale will advise you to do this right after the purchase.
Inspect windows and doors – If you haven’t thoroughly checked the windows and doors in your new home, take the time to do so. You might be wondering why this process is done after the purchase and not before. Keep in mind that there are numerous windows in the house, and you can’t inspect every inch of the property during a few visits. Check the windows and doors to ensure that there are no points of entry for intruders.
Inspect the smoke detectors – It’s not always necessary to replace the smoke detectors. Often, there’s no issue or the batteries just need replacing. Nonetheless, it’s important to check the smoke detectors to ensure that any potential fires can be contained before spreading.
Plan an escape route – Safety isn’t just about securing the interior of the house. Having a safe route outside the house in case of emergencies is equally important. After purchasing the home, create a plan and a safe route for your family in case of unforeseen emergencies.
Check the driveways and walkways – While not a major concern, it’s still a good idea to recheck the driveways and walkways after the sale. Note any changes that might have occurred since the inspection.
Double-check the inspection report – A reliable way to ensure that everything is accounted for is by reviewing the inspection report. Refer to each report while you inspect the home. This will help you identify any changes that you might not have been aware of. Your buyer’s agent can assist you if there are any discrepancies between the report and the actual state of the property.
For expert assistance when buying or selling a home, seek out professionals with a solid reputation in the industry. Experts like Full Potential Real Estate can assist you with all your real estate needs.
If you require the help of an experienced buyer’s agent who can help you find your dream home, feel free to contact Full Potential Real Estate, LLC.
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Full Potential Real Estate, LLC
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
We Serve – Carolina Forest SC, Surfside Beach SC, Conway SC, Myrtle Beach SC, North Myrtle Beach, Socastee, Little River, Murrells Inlet, Longs/Loris, Forestbrook
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