An expert real estate agent in Myrtle Beach will agree that the key to quickly selling a home is proper staging. When a home is properly presented to its target buyers, it will receive lots of purchase proposals. And the seller’s problem will be deciding which proposal to accept.
Remember that each buyer is looking for something specific in each house they look at buying. On the other hand, if you know who your target buyers are, you will find something in common with them and you will be able to effectively stage the house so that what they are looking for is highlighted and focused; thus, enticing them more to make that offer.
Important things to remember when staging a house
Increase the curb appeal – Keep in mind the saying, “First impressions last”. This applies to houses as well and buyers make their first impressions the minute they step out of their cars and set foot on the driveway. The first thing they will see is your lawn; thus, you want to make sure that they will like what they see.
According to your local Myrtle Beach real estate agent, you don’t have to do a major renovation or spend a fortune on your landscaping. Simply tidying up your flower beds, mowing your lawn, and cleaning up fallen leaves and debris will do the trick. Just keep in mind that your front yard should be as presentable as the rest of the house.
Also, think about the repairs that need to be done. Some buyers not only look at the lawn, but some also spend time to check whether the sprinklers are actually working or not.
Keep the house clean and tidy – A listing agent can only do so much to help you out. Selling a home that is clean and organized is easier than selling ones that seem to be forgotten and untended. Of course, buyers will want to buy a house that they can easily continue to maintain and take care of. They are not looking for a house that will take them days or weeks to clean up.
Plus, all the debris and clutter is covering the true beauty of your home. No one appreciates a dirty house. This is why it is important that you keep the house clean and tidy at all times. Keep in mind that some buyers come unannounced, so you want to make sure that the house is in tip-top shape at all times.
Don’t just focus on cleaning floors and cabinets. Make sure there are no stains on the carpet and there are no unpleasant odors throughout the house. Making the windows shine as well as the kitchen and toilet fixtures sparkle also adds to the natural beauty of the house. These home staging methods will make the house seem newly built and; thus, more buyers will want to make an offer.
Avoid doing major renovations – These will only cost you a lot of money that you are not sure you can recover after selling the house. Keep in mind that what seems beautiful and appealing to you may not be the same with your target buyers. They have their own style and design that they want to do with the real estate they are buying. If you are keen on doing renovations, focus on more important ones such as replacing worn-out flooring and damaged fixtures, repainting, making repairs.
Refrain from buying furniture – A home rarely sells because of the furniture in it, unless the furniture is included in the deal. According to Full Potential Real Estate, when selling a home, you should focus on highlighting the best feature of the house, such as the fireplace or the spacious family room.
Furniture and decorations are there to complement the space. Adding too much of it may divert your potential buyers’ attention from the real and natural beauty of the house. And you want them to see that because that is the primary reason they are looking to buy a house. Furniture and decorations, they can always go out and buy them after moving in.
Before listing your home for sale, contact Full Potential Real Estate. We can help you decide what are the best staging techniques to use to sell your home quickly.
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Full Potential Real Estate, LLC
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
We Serve – Carolina Forest SC, Surfside Beach SC, Conway SC, Myrtle Beach SC, North Myrtle Beach, Socastee, Little River, Murrells Inlet, Longs/Loris, Forestbrook
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