Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Most seniors are aware that there will come a time when they need to downsize to cut costs, simplify their way of life, be closer to their grandkids, or to deal with their medical needs. It is usually a stressful process, both physically and emotionally. However, it does not have to be too overwhelming. Here are a few tips from expert real estate agents to make downsizing easier for seniors.

Downsizing Guide For Seniors

Start Early

Give yourself a lot of time for this particular process since it will take much longer that you initially thought. Take your time. Avoid sorting through your whole house in just a single day or over the weekend. A few weeks to about a month is more realistic. Deal with one room at a time and don’t forget to take breaks throughout. Downsizing will be less stressful if you are not rushing through things.

Start Small

You most likely have a few things in mind to get rid of in the garage or kitchen. However, avoid sorting through such a big room right from the start. You have a lot of things that you may have accumulated over the years and this will take some time to go through. Begin in a room with little emotional attachment and understand your needs. This will make the process a lot easier.

Eliminate Rooms You Won’t Have In Your New Home

If you are buying a home or a condo, you may not have an office space or a garage. Almost everything in these spaces will have to donated, sold, relocated, or tossed.

Get Rid Of Duplicates

You will find this true especially in your kitchen. You have at least two spatulas, a few oversized stock pots, and more. Now is the perfect time to get rid of the clutter.

Only Yes or No, No Maybes

If you are going through years of possessions, there are things that will tug at your heartstrings and you will be tempted to make a third pile for things that you can keep if you have enough space. Don’t be tempted. You will wind up with a Maybe pile that will be bigger than your Yes or No piles. Check every item and determine if you use it all the time or not. If yes then keep it if not then get rid of it. There’s no room for maybes. Only bring what you need to your new Myrtle Beach home.

Sell Your Things

Facebook, Craigslist, and yard sales are only some of the ways for you to sell your things. You most likely won’t make a lot of cash on most items, so think about how much time you would like to invest. For instance, yard sales tend to be faster but for cheaper prices while Facebook offers a wider audience.

Give Yourself Some Time To Reminisce

While you are sorting and cleaning, there will be a few days when you would like to stop emptying the bedroom of the kids drawings, trophies, and toys. You can pause and allow the nostalgia to take over for a bit.

If you need help in searching for your new home, call Full Potential Real Estate right away. Need help sorting, packing and getting rid of your things? Contact Brunswick Organizing Solutions.

Full Potential Real Estate, LLC
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

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